Seminario Al@Bicocca: Susanne Pumpluen

Generalizing classical results from central simple algebras to the nonassociative setting, and introducing the semiassociative Brauer monoid
algebra in bicocca

Mercoledì 10 Luglio 2024 alle ore 14:00, nel quadro del ciclo di seminari Al@Bicocca, Susanne Pumpluen (University of Nottingham) parlerà di

Titolo: Generalizing classical results from central simple algebras to the nonassociative setting, and introducing the semiassociative Brauer monoid

Abstract: Recently, the theory of semiassociative algebras and their Brauer monoid was introduced by Blachar, Haile, Matri, Rein, and Vishne as a canonical generalization of the theory of associative central simple algebras and their Brauer group; together with the tensor product, semiassociative algebras over a field form a monoid that contains the classical Brauer group as its unique maximal subgroup. I would like to introduce to you some classes of semiassociative algebras that are canonical generalizations of cyclic simple algebras and explore their behaviour in the Brauer monoid. Time permitting, we can also discuss some - hopefully interesting - particularities and challenges of this newly defined Brauer monoid.

Informazioni per partecipare in presenza:

Il seminario si terrà in Aula 3014 (3° Piano) - Edificio U5, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

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