Erasmus / Exchange Extra-UE
Erasmus - Study Programme
The Bachelor's and Master's Degree programme in Mathematics take part in the Erasmus Study programme (Eramsus+), a resource aimed at promoting cooperation between higher educational institutions in EU countries, through the international mobility of students, faculty and non-teaching staff.
By the Erasmus+ programme the student acquires a study experience abroad at a university institution with which our Department has a signed agreement. The total period allowed for this experience can range from a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 12 months (possibly spread over distinct periods, over different academic years). The interested applicant must be regularly enrolled in the courses of the approved study plan, and can apply to the Erasmus+ programme proposing the desired institution and visiting period. Normally the call for the Eramsus+ applications takes place during December of each year with outcomes communicated in February. Applicants to the Eramsus+ scholarship will be shortlisted on the basis of academic merit and quality of the submitted proposal. The Erasmus+ scholarship will be increased by an additional amount provide by the University of Milano-Bicocca. Selected participants will be required to submit a Learning Agreement for the proposed visiting period abroad, identifying the examination courses offered by the chosen University and Department. The exams will be taken on site according to local rules, and the results (converted into 30ths) will be formally incorporated into the study plan approved by the Department for the purposes of obtaining the Degree.
Professor Renzo RICCA, (e-mail: is the current contact person and coordinator of the Department for carrying out the Erasmus Study programme.
Further information is available at the web address:
Courses offered to ERASMUS incoming students
Courses offered to ERASMUS incoming students can be inspected at this web address:
List of Universities with which our Department has an Erasmus agreement:
Geographical distribution of Universities with which our Department has an Erasmus agreement:
Erasmus - Traineeship Programme
The Erasmus Traineeship programme is aimed at students regularly enrolled by an approved study plan, who wish to carry out part of their thesis work under the supervision of a joint supervisor abroad, working in an institution that is not necessarily affiliated with our Department by an Erasmus programme, but it is placed in one of the EU member states.
The Erasmus Traineeship call is advertised normally 3 times a year, during February, June and September. It provides scholarships that cover a period of about 2 months, deemed sufficient for carrying out the proposed thesis work. The Traineeship programme is based on a thesis project designed and previously agreed upon by the local supervisor, who will be formally responsible for the progress made in partial fulfilment of the degree.
For further, general information please contact Professor Renzo RICCA, (e-mail:, who acts as designated Departmental contact for the Erasmus Traineeship programme.
Further information is available at the web address:
Extra-Eu Exchange Programme
The Bachelor's and Master's Degree programme in Mathematics take part in the Extra-EU Exchange programme, which allows to spend periods of training and study in foreign institutions that are neither affiliated with the Erasmus programs, nor part of EU membership. Interested applicants must have similar qualifications and must follow similar rules as those required by Erasmus calls, following similar application and selection procedures.
For further, general information please contact Professor Renzo RICCA, (e-mail:, who acts as designated Departmental contact for carrying out the Extra-EU Exchange programme.
Further information is available at the web address:
Page updated on 18/10/2024