Open Day

Master's Degree

aula magna

An event designed for students planning to continue their education, during which the teachings of the Master's Degree Programme are presented, inviting exponents from the world of work to illustrate the potential professional career opportunities.

Future Edition

Master's Degree Open Day 2025

On 10 March 2025 from 14:30 to 17:30, at the U2-QUANTUM Building - Room 7, Piazza della Scienza 3 Milan, the Open Day of the Master's Degree Programme in Mathematics will be held. As every year, on this occasion the programme will be presented and representatives from the world of work will be invited to illustrate possible professional opportunities.

Programme and registration procedures for the event will be published shortly.

Master's Degree Open Day 4 March 2024

Every year, an event is organised to present the Master's Degree Programme. On this occasion, the teachings are presented and exponents from the world of work are invited to illustrate some professional career opportunities. This edition will also see the participation of two ex-students, Michela Lutti and Elisa Garbossa, who will present their personal experiences.

Below the event details:

Michela Lutti (ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales) and Elisa Garbossa (Joint Research Centre (JRC) - EU Commission) are open to dialogue with students who would like to continue their education in our Department, answering questions, doubts, curiosity about study path and professional opportunities.

They can be found at the following addresses:

Videos presenting the educational offer of our Master's Degree in Mathematics are available at the following link:


Master's Degree Open Day 22 May 2023

Every year in spring, an event is organised to present the degree course. On this occasion, the teaching courses are presented and exponents from the world of work are invited to illustrate some of the professional career opportunities.


Video presentations of the educational offer of our Master's Degree in Mathematics are available now.

They can be found, together with a detailed programme, at the following link:


Master's Degree Open Day 9 May 2022

The calendar for the event concerning Mathematics is:

In presence in classroom U5-3014 and in streaming with link: (password: mathematics)

FIRST SESSION: Presentation of individual Master's Degree Programmes

09:30-09:40 Welcome message from the Degree Course Coordinator

09:40-09:55 History of Mathematics; Elementary Mathematics; Teaching Experiences; Education in Mathematics

09:55-10:10 Probability and Statistics Courses

10:10-10:25 Mathematical Methods for Economics Courses

10:25-10:45 Algebra Courses

10:45-11:00 Break and/or space for questions

11:00-11:20 Geometry Courses

11:20-11:45 Mathematical Analysis Courses

11:45-12:00 Mathematical Physics courses

12:00-12:20 Numerical Analysis Courses

12:20-12:35 Break and/or space for questions

SECOND SESSION: Testimonials from the world of work

12:35-12:55 Matteo Perico (Artificial Intelligence)

12:55-13:00 Questions

13:00-13:20 Carlo Colombani (school)

13:20-13:30 Space for questions

THIRD SESSION: Presentation of the 3rd year Bachelor's Degree Programmes

14:20-14:30 Speech by the President of the CCD of Mathematical Sciences

Intervention of the 3rd year lecturers

14:30-14:40 Calculus of Probability

14:40-14:50 Algebra III

14:50-15:00 Analysis III

15:00-15:10 Complex Analysis

15:10-15:20 Numerical Analysis

15:20-15:30 Mathematical Physics

15:30-15:40 Physics II

15:40-15:50 Geometry III

15:50-16:00 Statistics