Departmental Three-Year Plan

Departmental Three-Year Plan 2023-2025

The Departmental Three-Year Plan (PTD) presents the strategic guidelines for education, research and the third mission/social impact of the Department of Mathematics and Applications defined in coherence with and in implementation of the University's strategic planning. The PTD also defines the monitoring and review of education, research and third mission activities, the definition of criteria for the distribution of resources, the allocation of staff, facilities and support services for education, research and third mission.

In this section, the PTD for the academic three-year period 2023-2025 is published with respect to the following sections:

1. "Definition of the strategic lines for education, research and the third mission/social impact"

3. "Definition of criteria for the distribution of resources"

4. "Allocation of staff, facilities and support services for education, research and the third mission"

Annual Monitoring - Departmental Three-Year Plan 2023-2025

Together with the drafting of the PTD, annual monitoring actions and analysis of the results are planned, which are collected in the Departmental Three-Year Plan Monitoring document.