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Mathematics Pre-Courses and Recall Course

Mathematics Pre-Courses

The School of Science organises Pre-Courses in Mathematics every year.

These are intensive courses in basic Mathematics strongly recommended for all incoming science students.

These courses have the following objectives:

  • Stimulating and facilitate the review and self-study of high-school mathematics topics for students enrolled in the School of Science Bachelor Degree Programme.
  • Preparing for the disciplinary contents and study methodologies useful for learning the teachings of the respective Study Courses.
  • Awareness of the results of the initial evaluation tests or entry tests for admission to Bachelor Degree Programme with programmed number, mathematics part.

The Mathematics Pre-Courses will take place in an intensive in-presence mode in the week previous the start of lessons, the week from 16 to 20 September 2024.

On-Line Teaching Materials

On-line teaching material created as part of the National Science Degree Plan can be found at Access to the site is free for all users but requires registration.