Quality Assurance of Study Courses
In line with the actions proposed by the University, the control and monitoring of the quality of study course didactics is entrusted to the Quality Assurance (QA) Management Group.
The QA Management Group is responsible for:
- annually drafting the SUA-CdS, the Annual Monitoring Form; the Cyclical Review Report;
- monitor students' career progress, their opinion on educational activities, their satisfaction at the end of their educational pathway and the employment status of graduates, also through the analysis of external databases;
- to verify, through periodic meetings with representatives of the world of work, the coherence between the proposed educational activities and employment requirements;
- acquire and analyse the reports of the Joint Lecturers/Students Committee;
- analysing the Annual Report of the Evaluation Board.
Following the activities described above, the QA Management Group has the task of defining any corrective actions or improvement measures and proposing them to the Didactic Coordination Board for approval and implementation.